We fight alongside Tennessee veterans

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2018 | Veterans Benefits |

One of the ways that the United States is able to thank and repay service men and women for their military service is the benefits offered through United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The benefits that military personnel receive after their service is complete help to make up for the hardship and often-low pay that our nation’s men and women experience when on active duty.

While the government’s intent is laudable, it is not always easy for a veteran to navigate the often-complex bureaucracy of one of the federal government’s largest agencies. This is largely due to budget shortfalls which keep the agency understaffed as more and more service personnel are discharged and seek to claim benefits. Frequent changes in agency policies and application procedures make it more difficult for veterans to obtain the medical and financial benefits that they need and deserve.

At the same time, the U.S. military’s ongoing presence in the Middle East has meant that the VA is seeing more service-related injury and disability claims than at any time in the last 40 years, going back to the Vietnam War era. The burgeoning benefits claims that have been streaming in over the past 15 years or so has led to delays in decision times and prolonged processing periods.

The VA has taken steps toward improving its benefits decision times, but without more fiscal assistance from Congress, there is a little a veteran can do on his or her own to speed up the process. This is why many veterans turn to Miller Law Firm for assistance. We can help to ensure that you receive all of the benefits that you deserve for your service and dedication to the country. Visit our dedicated Veterans’ benefits web page to learn more about how we can help you.


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