If you are currently struggling with debt, it can be helpful to know you are not alone, nor does your financial situation mean you are a failure. Every year, the United States Courts discharge the debts of thousands of Americans in personal bankruptcies due to...
What can you keep in a Tennessee bankruptcy?
If you file for bankruptcy in Tennessee, you can keep certain assets to support a fresh financial start. The court will review a list of your property to determine what you can retain and what you must sell to repay creditors, if anything. Understanding the state...
Should you file for bankruptcy before or after getting married?
You and your current partner want to get married and build a life together in Tennessee, but you have financial issues to wade through before your wedding date. Should you declare bankruptcy before tying the knot or after? Experian examines the intersection where...
How bankruptcy’s automatic stay offers relief from creditors
Having creditors constantly call your home or cellphone may prove anxiety-inducing, but if they start to call you at work, too, you may feel even more pressure. If your finances have spun out of control to the point where there is no realistic way to dig yourself out...
4 veteran’s benefits you might deserve more from
Social security, military benefits, disability: All of this can add up. It could give you and your family some much-needed support. The military supports veterans, but it is notoriously difficult to access all of the help available. This is especially true if you have...