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Consider these factors when choosing an executor

On Behalf of | May 18, 2020 | Estate Planning |

Tennessee residents probably know they need a will, but taking the time to do it is another story. Even when people are ready to make a will, the multitude of decisions they need to make often causes hesitation. One of those decisions that could make or break the administration of the will after an individual’s death is the person chosen to serve as the executor.

The individual does not have to be an accountant, lawyer or some other professional, but it does help for the person to know where to find the appropriate assistance. It would also help for the person chosen to be able to take the information available and make good decisions. The person chosen should also have the time to devote to the process. Administering an estate involves handling numerous tasks and some of them can be quite time-consuming.

Most people tend to choose family members to serve as the executor of their estates, and that can present some issues. After all, the family member chosen could end up dealing with disagreements, upset siblings and other family issues. It would probably help to make sure that the person chosen is willing to take on these potential problems, along with the other responsibilities of the job.

That may be one of the most important steps in creating an estate plan, actually. The individual chosen needs to be willing to perform the duties. The only way to do that is to talk to that person before simply inserting his or her name in the document. Of course, the Tennessee resident creating the estate plan needs to choose someone he or she trusts to serve as executor. This is a vital role in the probate process, and it definitely helps achieve some peace of mind that winding up his or her personal and financial affairs is in good hands.

