3 things your future executor should know

On Behalf of | May 12, 2022 | Estate Planning |

When you select someone to serve as the executor over your Ohio estate, you place a good deal of trust in this individual. It takes time and effort to serve as someone’s executor, but there are some important steps you might take to make things easier on the person you appoint.

AARP notes that doing the following might make things easier on your executor – and help ensure that your beneficiaries get what you leave them within a timely manner.

1. Tell him or her where to find your will

It sounds obvious, but many people die without telling others where to find their wills. Make sure your executor knows how to access yours in its original form. If you stored it electronically, make sure your executor knows where and how to access it. If an attorney is holding it, make sure your executor has the attorney’s contact information.

2. Stipulate who gets non-financial assets

You may have assets that hold sentimental, rather than financial value, such as photos, mementos or old family recipes. If you have opinions about who should have this stuff, make sure your executor is aware of your wishes and knows where to find these items.

3. Make a list of who should know

You may want people outside of your immediate family or social group to know when you die. For instance, if you belong to any clubs, you may want the club administrators to know about your death. You may also want your doctor, dentist and other health care professionals to know when you pass on.

Ultimately, the more information you provide to your executor about your wishes and plans, the better he or she should be able to do the job.

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